
UPDATE: Ploise Pulling Oil is SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING

Top Doctor of Dental Surgery: This Revolutionary Elixir Relives Almost Any Oral Health Problem...

It Helps With Aching Teeth, Inflammation, Bad Breath, and Even Gum Disease... So Much So That This Solution Is What Many Dentists Consider The Best Thing Ever Invented..

3,791 Ratings

June 19, 2024 | By Dr. Benjamin Davis

Hi, my name is Dr. Davis.


I’m a doctor of dental surgery from Chicago. 


Over the past decade, I’ve treated more than 1,100 patients with different oral problems:

Gum disease

Aching teeth


Bad breath

You name it, I've treated it.


By all means, when people looked at me, they saw a successful doctor with a bright future ahead of me.


A doctor who would make a difference.


And this was surely what I was dreaming of:

A doctor that would make a difference...


Only this dream came tumbling down when I realized that...

What I'd Been Taught In Medical School Only Treated Symptoms Without Ever Getting To The Root Cause Of a Disorder.

People were just bodies, and their pain was just a sign.


They were forgotten as soon as they left the doctor’s office. They only got pills and expensive surgeries. Their lives and health were ignored. No one asked where their problems came from.


If medicine is getting better, why are there more sick people than ever?


My frustration grew by the day, especially when I saw some of my colleagues blindly prescribing the same chemical medications for different people with different needs, not thinking twice about it. 


So, I decided I couldn't continue like that anymore...

That's When My Practice Took a More Holistic And Natural Approach

I worked obsessively to understand how plants, herbs and organic ingredients work as a solution for my patients' actual problems. 


Since then, I've been able to help thousands of people around the world and I can tell you, at the end of the day... 


I really felt proud about what I was doing...

But Everything Changed When I Met Benjamin Goodman, One of The Most Difficult Cases I Came Across in My Entire Career.

Ben was 54 years old, a husband, father, and grandfather of three.


His entire life, he had been the life of the party, always cracking jokes and shaking with laughter. No one could ever be sad around him.


After his retirement, he dreamed of hosting big barbecues, playing with his grandkids, and even becoming a standup comedian.


He just loved having people around. 


But all of that came crashing down when his health went unexplainably down the hill. 


The reason he came to see me was that he had this tormenting allergy for years: his sinuses were always clogged, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't sleep...


He barely found the strength to talk...


I was the ninth specialist he was visiting, and I could see there was not much hope left in his eyes.


But upon a closer look, his problems ran much deeper.


Ben had...

Gum Disease So Severe, The Gums Are Swollen And Pus-Filled, Like A Garden Overrun With Weeds And Infection

His breath was so bad, I had to keep the windows of my cabinet open long before he was gone. 


So bad that, during dinner, he sat at the corner of the table, not wanting to repel his family. 


His wife had only kissed his forehead for the past two years because of his infected gums. 


Needless to say, so much for his dream of being surrounded by people. 


In time, he forgot how to smile or laugh. He was depressed and often had panic attacks.


And how could he not?


One of his teeth was loose, and he feared he would lose it every time he chewed. That's why he ate mostly purees and soft baby food. 


His worst nightmare was that he would choke on it while sleeping, as he also suffered from teeth grinding.


If that happened, could his wife even help him in time? Would the ambulance come fast enough?

His gums were so damaged that there was a low chance they could support implants or dentures. 


He always felt the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. Despite trying expensive dental treatments, nothing seemed to work... 


His life was a living hell and the thought that he had to go on like this every single day was unbearable.


The worst part, most doctors didn't take his pain seriously. They saw him as a vain over-complaining patient that didn't have any REAL problems.


I mean, after all, it was just gum disease, it was not like he was dying of a heart attack.


But I could see his pain, and it broke my heart. 


Seeing him like this, I made a promise to myself: that I would do absolutely everything in my power to help him.

Finally Get Instant Relief From Gum Disease, Aching Teeth, and Bad Breath


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I Knew It Wasn't Going to Be Easy...

This man was a walking puzzle...


I mean, people like Ben had already tried just about everything - what else could I do?


To be completely honest, I had no clue.


All I knew was that I was determined to not be the ninth doctor that left him desperate and disappointed.


The fact that none of Sam's parents or grandparents ever suffered from gum disease was extremely intriguing, because it meant it wasn't genetic.


But what was really dumbfounding was the fact that all his blood and allergy tests came clean.


How could that be?


Every waking moment I kept thinking about this oddity, until I noticed something:


The allergic reactions, headaches and insomnia had appeared after his gums started bleeding.


This made me wonder:

Were The Dental Problems Actually The Trigger of All His Health Issues?

I spent night after night bent over every study or article that I could find - over every news and every footnote.


I didn't seem to come across anything good.


But my intuition kept nudging me forward.


Something had to come up and explain all of these seemingly unrelated symptoms he was experiencing.


Even so, after not finding anything helpful for 4 whole weeks, I was almost ready to give up...


But how could I look at Ben or others like him and tell them there was no hope? 


I had to keep trying. 


Thank God I did, because the answer came from an unexpected place. 


During one visit, Ben showed me a picture from a newspaper. 


"Look, Doc!" he said. 


"They found 2,500-year-old teeth that look better than mine. Those people didn't even know what a toothbrush was!"


We laughed about it, but then it hit me...

How Can Teeth Stay Healthy For Hundreds of Years In Mud But Get Ruined By Chocolate In The Mouth?

A tooth is tougher than a diamond and can't be destroyed by fire, but it gets stained by coffee.


I felt like I was onto something, so I went back to researching.


Here's what I knew: 

Our ancestors had better teeth even though they didn't brush or go to the dentist. 

A tooth can last for centuries outside the mouth, but in the mouth, it can get ruined in a few years.

Modern people must have made a mistake with dental care, making our teeth weaker. 

What was that mistake?


That's when I came across a little known study that flipped everything dentists claim about gum disease...


One that also shed light on what exactly is eating at your gums and teeth as we speak.

Shocking Truth: This is #1 Hidden Culprit Behind Gum Disease

Listen, you've probably been told that "bad bacteria" is to blame for all dental diseases, and that you need to take antibiotics, and go through lots of annoying cleanings to keep your mouth healthy. 


But did you know bad bacteria is only a symptom, Not The Root Cause of Gum Disease?


Actually, gum disease and other dental disorders happen not when there are too many bad bacteria, but when there are too few good bacteria.


And while most people focus only on brushing and flossing…


They have absolutely ZERO idea of something called the Oral Microbiome.


It refers to all the Bacteria, good and bad, and other organisms that live inside our mouth...

Imagine This Like a Constant War Between The Police And Thugs.

The thugs (bad bacteria) are always looking to make a mess of everything, while the good cops try to keep order and control.


But they can't do that if they are outnumbered.


So, the more good bacteria strains you have, the better your mouth.


If you had these good bacteria in your mouth to begin with, any microbe or germs wouldn't stand a chance in the first place.


Plus, let me tell you this.


Whoever promises you they will completely get you rid of ALL bad bacteria or germs is lying.


We can't live in a completely sterile bubble. Germs will always come back.


That’s why evolution gave us good bacteria. 


A healthy mouth should have lots of good bacteria on the tongue, teeth, and gums. 


But here's something that almost no doctor will tell you...

Did You Know That Your Oral Bacteria Affects Not Only Your Teeth And Gums, But Also Your Entire Health?

See... Every time you swallow, you are seeding your gastrointestinal track with bacteria, fungi, and viruses from your mouth -


140 BILLION per day to be exact...


That's right:


Every sip or bite affects how healthy you are, what diseases you have and how those diseases will progress.


So can you imagine how much of your gut bacteria actually comes from your mouth?


Truth is, your whole body mirrors what is happening in your mouth and your mouth mirrors what is happening in your body.


A gum issue is rarely, if ever, just a gum issue. 


And it's only normal if you think about it...

The Mouth is Literally The Front Door of Your Body.

Even the air you breathe passes through the back of your mouth before reaching your lungs.


Imagine if your front door is open and dirty, all of the dirt will end up eventually in your living room...


And it will soon have all sorts of things growing in it.


That's why so many diseases are linked to poor mouth flora - from IBS to cardiovascular disorders and anxiety and depression.


So, what kills the good bacteria in our mouths and stops them from growing? 


The answer is surprising: 

Our Teeth Are Constantly Attacked By Dental Care Products And Procedures That Promise To Save Us.

As it turns out, many common dental products (such as toothpaste and mouthwash) contain toxic ingredients that can destroy the microbiome in the mouth. 


For example, did you know that many toothpaste brands are like detergent? 


These toothpastes try to clean your teeth the same way bleach cleans stains from a white shirt. 


Sure, the stain is removed, but the fabric gets weaker. 


Many big oral care brands have hidden chemicals that are bad for us, but these studies have been ignored or buried by companies protecting their profits.


Using these products is like pouring bleach in your garden and expecting nice plants to grow. 

The good bacteria can't grow properly.


Sometimes one type of bacteria might grow, sometimes another, but they can't grow together to make a healthy mouth. 


The result? You get cavities, inflamed gums, bad breath, and eventually lose your teeth.


That’s why I can not stress enough how important maintaining a healthy microbiome is.


However, we now know that’s impossible when your mouth is constantly under attack by dental care chemicals.


But I figured that there must be a workaround.


So after months and months of research and testing…


I was able to find a solution for Ben and all my other patients!


…And now I want to share it with you too!

Just Swishing The Coconut Mint Pulling Oil in Your Mouth For 2 Minutes Will Help Restore Your Oral Microbiome & Shift it Towards a Healthier Balance

My team and I partnered up with a cutting-edge biotech company called Ploise.


These innovators are renowned for creating some of the most effective oral care products that have helped more than 300,000 men and women across America.


We worked together around the clock for several months in order to create what I believe to be the best gum and teeth healing formula that money can buy.


We called it Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil.


The secret to Coconut Mint Pulling Oil is a special patented mix of ingredients.


This solution contains 5 of the most powerful natural ingredients that have repeatedly proven their amazing ability to crush periodontitis. 


And more importantly, it contains the right AMOUNTS of each ingredient so you can start experiencing the benefits right away.

Here Are The 5 Gum & Teeth Healing Ingredients Inside Coconut Mint Pulling Oil.

Coconut Oil - In many human studies to date, coconut oil pulling has been reported to reduce harmful bacteria, alleviate inflammation, avert oxidative stress, and improve overall oral hygiene.


While coconut oil is effective against harmful bacteria, it does not seem to disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the mouth. This selective antimicrobial action helps maintain a healthy oral microbiome.


That’s why we made coconut oil the first ingredient in our Coconut Mint Pulling Oil formula.

Tea Tree Oil - Clinical studies have found that tea tree oil can significantly enhance oral health and reduce inflammation. It achieves this through its powerful antimicrobial properties.


By reducing harmful bacteria, it allows the oral environment to stay balanced.


This results in reduced gum inflammation, soreness, and bad breath. But it can also aid in preventing oral infections.


In one study, tea tree oil was shown to support oral health nearly two times more effectively than regular oral hygiene practices alone.

Clove Oil - Clove is rich in antioxidants, particularly a compound called eugenol. These antioxidants help protect the oral tissues from oxidative stress and inflammation.


For example, studies involving clove oil have reported improvements in oral health by reducing bacteria and soothing inflamed gums, which are likely effects of its potent antimicrobial properties.


In one study, individuals experienced reduced gum inflammation and enhanced oral hygiene when clove oil was used regularly as part of their oral care routine.

Peppermint Oil - Peppermint contains powerful antioxidants such as menthol. 


These antioxidants help maintain a healthy oral environment by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.


This helps keep the oral tissues relaxed and healthy, improving overall oral hygiene and reducing bad breath.

Vitamin E - After stopping the spread of harmful bacteria and toxins and deeply cleaning the entire oral cavity, we needed to start the rebuilding of teeth and gums.


Vitamin E helps speed up the absorption of various vitamins and minerals, allowing nutrients to enter the cells for more strength and rejuvenation.


Vitamin E also significantly enhances gum pocket closure, helping with the reattachment of gums and therefore strengthening loose teeth. 

Here's What's Going to Happen When You Start Taking These 5 Ingredients

Right now, your oral microbiome looks like this.


A neighborhood overrun with thugs causing trouble.

There is absolutely no order or control.

The good bacteria are not able to keep up.


But when you start swishing the ingredients inside Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil...


It will skyrocket the number of good bacteria in your mouth.


And your oral microbiome will start to look like this:

Your oral microbiome will go from being overrun with thugs causing trouble… To a well-policed, peaceful neighborhood where good cops maintain order and health.


As a result, your mouth will receive all the support it needs to stay healthy.


And the inflammation, bad breath, gum sensitivity, and other oral issues will start to go away.

But That's Not All...

On top of these 5 ingredients that are all about increasing the levels of good bacteria in your mouth and improving your oral microbiome…


Since oils are highly viscous, it also binds to plaque and tartar and then removes the debris that can cause decay.


And because it's also a fat, it can latch onto stains and discolorations on the teeth and gently lift them away, leaving whiter, cleaner teeth behind. 


Ultimately promoting fresher breath and healthier gums, teeth, and tongue.


All without the need for harsh chemicals.


And remember, every time you swallow, you are seeding your gastrointestinal tract with over 140 billion bacteria and fungi per day. 


So sending good bacteria down your digestive or respiratory tract will also improve your overall health.


You will breathe better, clear your throat, free your sinuses, and get rid of allergies and headaches. You will also sleep better, feel more relaxed, and have better digestion.

Are You Starting to Understand Why Coconut Mint Pulling Oil Is The Missing Link That Can Free You of Pain, Sensitivity, Bleeding, and Bad Breath?

Because it just makes sense.


It will restore your oral microbiome to levels of health you had years and even decades ago - and your oral health will flourish as a result of it.


Of course, the first person to try it was Ben.


All he had to do was swish this blend in his mouth every morning for a few minutes. Even with his bad teeth and gums, he could do this easily. 


After the first few days, Ben could feel something had clearly changed. He called us to say that for the first time in years, he wasn't spitting blood anymore, not even a pinkish shade on the toothpaste.


Day after day, we received what we called "miracle messages" from Ben. He told us how part of his plaque had disappeared, how his teeth looked whiter, and how his loose teeth had become strong again. 


He could even gently push and pull on them without worry. His sinuses cleared, and he could breathe freely and sleep like a baby. His brain fog faded away, and the best news was that his breath no longer smelled bad.


Let me be clear. You’ve never experienced anything like the Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil in your entire life - no matter whether you think you’ve tried everything under the sun.


This blend is miles more effective than any mouthwash or chemical rinse could ever be because it actually promotes a balanced oral microbiome and addresses the root cause of gum disease and bad breath.


Before long, you'll be able to enjoy fresher breath, healthier gums, and a cleaner mouth, and even eat your favorite meal without worrying about oral discomfort.


Our unique blend of ingredients have been clinically proven to effectively help improve oral health and relieve issues like aching teeth and gum inflammation.


But don’t take my word for it…


At the moment of writing this, thousands of people around the world are using Coconut Mint Pulling Oil to improve their oral health and maintain a balanced oral microbiome.


Our products have more than 4,000 5-star reviews on TrustPilot alone.

All natural ingredients!

I liked that the pulling oil was alcohol free and used natural ingredients. I was skeptical of its teeth whitening abilities, but now I'm totally convinced! I did feel like the pulling oil freshened my breath without the usual mouthwash burn. The added metal tongue scraper is a nice bonus. If you have never used a tongue scraper before, scrapers are a mouth freshness game changer.

- Michael

Verified Buyer

Love, Love Love!

I wanted to get into oil pulling for quite awhile. Glad my first experience is with the Ploise Pulling Oil! Super mild mint taste! Feels good! Is not thick nor too thin! Feels just like a very mild mouth wash! Mouth feels super clean and fresh and then your brush which makes everything fresher! Highly Highly recommend!

- Amanda

Verified Buyer

This Solution Has Helped Thousands of People Relieve Gum Disease, Aching Teeth, & Bad Breath

And I’m confident that it’s going to help you too.


Just imagine… 

No more shame because of those unsightly inflamed and receding gums causing awful breath...

No more pain and discomfort that keeps you trapped in your own body.

That’s all possible with the Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil.


And the best part? 


It only takes 2 minutes per day to notice a difference.


All you need to do is swish the Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil around your mouth… Just like you would with regular mouthwash…


And then just keep swishing for 2 minutes while it does its magic.


Now, I know you probably have two main questions…

How Can You Get Your Hands on the Coconut Mint Pulling Oil?

…And what’s the price?


Well, the first question is a tricky one…


Because it takes us a lot of time and money to create this solution…


From expensive ingredients that we have to source from all over the world… To countless tests that every batch has to go through before it’s cleared…


So we are at a constant risk of running out of stock.


Our team is working around the clock to create enough Coconut Mint Pulling Oil for everyone in need.


But I hate to admit that we are currently failing at that.


The demand is just too big.


Folks who have tested the Coconut Mint Pulling Oil and experienced the relief are now asking us for more bottles for their families and friends.


Not to mention the thousands of patients I’ve worked with in my clinic.


They were thrilled when I told them about the solution that I created and I’m sure that many of them are placing their orders right now.


All this makes our stock run out quickly every time we get a new shipment.


Now, if you are reading this article, it means that we probably have a few bottles left in stock, otherwise we would’ve taken the page down.


But unfortunately, we cannot guarantee for how much longer.

We Could Sell Out Tomorrow... Or Maybe Even Today 

And once that happens…


Once we do run out of stock…


It could take us anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to get back in stock because these solutions take quite a long time to create.


So if you are serious about eliminating gum disease, and relieve aching teeth & bad breath...


I recommend you DO NOT leave this page…


Because this may be your only chance to get the Coconut Mint Pulling Oil and experience the relief you’ve been praying for.


So without further ado, let me show you how you can get your Coconut Mint Pulling Oil today.

Coconut Mint Pulling Oil Is NOT Available Anywhere Else Except on Our Official Website

You won’t find it in retail stores. You won’t find it on Amazon or eBay.


If you see something similar, that’s just a cheap knockoff.


The only place where you can buy the real, authentic Coconut Mint Pulling Oil is on our official website.


Given how sophisticated and effective the formula is, it's clear that we could charge a high price. 


And considering the amazing benefits that are customers have seen, without painful dental work, many said they would pay it without hesitation.


Think about it. 


How much would you invest to keep your gums and teeth strong and pain free every day?


No more bleeding. No more bad breath. No more cavities, and no more dreaded dentist visits.


What would you be willing to spend if you were absolutely, positively sure, this formula would do wonders for you.


Would you spend...








But you know what?


Far from me to put a price on your health, or on the peace of mind that being free from gum disease brings.


That's why my team and I decided that to make it affordable for most people, while still covering the cost of ingredients, and some of the research time, the retail value should be...



Honestly, this is an absolute steal, considering what this pulling oil can do.


But my only goal with this formula is to help as many people as possible.


And I don't want money to stand in the way of that mission.


So to ensure that everyone in need has a chance to put their hands on the Coconut Mint Pulling Oil...

I Decided to Offer a Special Limited Time Discount and Let You Have Your Own Ploise Pulling Oil at 50% OFF

Today, only on this website, you can get your very own 30 day supply of the Coconut Mint Pulling Oil for a one time, 100% risk free investment of...




That's right, just $35.00!


And because I am so grateful that you've made it this far into the presentation, which means you're serious about your health -


If you order a 3 or 6 months package, I'll give you an even bigger discount and additional bonuses.


Here's why...


While many customers experience noticeable changes in as little as a couple of weeks, the real magic happens when you use it for 60 days or more.


I've seen the effects of this pulling oil on a lot of patients.


That's why I would recommend to you swish this every morning for two minutes a day, for at least 60 days, just to make 100% sure, there's not a single trace of chemicals, or bad bacteria left in your gum pocket, mouth or body.


It's important that you don't forget to use it every single day.


Otherwise, it might lead to the immediate death of all the good bacteria that have built up.


That means that you could lose all the progress you've made, up until that point.


Honestly, I cannot estimate exactly how many chemicals have accumulated at this point.


Nor, how many toxins are blocked inside the gum pockets, eating at your teeth.


This depends on many factors like the strength of your mouth flora, or on what dental products you've used by now.


But especially if you're over 35 years old, or your gums are bleeding on a constant basis... 


I recommend you use the pulling oil for at least three to six months.


The healing ingredients in the pulling oil build up in your mouth and body.


They clear out chemicals and germs, helping to rebuild your gums and teeth.


The longer you use the pulling oil, the better you feel.


Your progress gets better every day.


But that's not all.

If you order the 3 or 6 months supply, you'll also get a Free Water Jet Flosser and a Bonus Online Guide

An absolutely free bonus worth $109.


The water jet flosser offers a transformative alternative to traditional flossing for those suffering from gum disease.


It effectively removes plaque and debris from hard to reach areas between teeth and below the gum line, providing a deep clean that can significantly improve oral health.


The soothing water pressure gently massages the gums, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing without causing irritation or bleeding. 


Ideal for those with sensitive gums or dexterity issues, the water jet flosser ensures a more effective, comfortable, and user friendly cleaning experience.


The next bonus is Radiant Smiles: The Complete Guide to Oral Wellness.


In this guide, I will reveal a simple 10 second method you can do right now to brigthen your teeth right away.


One little brushing trick that's very popular among celebrities.


One strange ritual that will make you forget about teeth sensitivity for good.


All that and more.


I can't wait for you to read it.


So if you're ready to take advantage of the best deal you'll ever get...


Make sure to click the big button below and grab it while you still can!


As I said earlier, we're selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.


So it's only a matter of time before we run out completely.


And when that happens... Well, you'll pretty much miss out.


Not just that you'll have to wait until the next batch is manufactured - which can take weeks if not months...


But you'll also find a new price that will be higher.


Let me be super clear about it: 


You'll never be able to buy a Coconut Mint Pulling Oil cheaper than today.


This is the best deal you will ever get.


And this may be the only time you see it.


So without further ado, click below to place your order.


You Have 60 Days to Test the Product, Completely Risk-Free!

Yes, you heard me right.


I'm giving you a 60-day TRIAL period.


You have 60 full days to experiment with the Coconut Mint Pulling Oil and see how well it works.


Of course it will work as advertised, and reduce gum disease and keep swelling & pain at bay.


But if for ANY reason you are not happy with your purchase...


And you feel like there are better solutions out there...


Just let us know anytime in the next 60 days and you'll get your money back that same day, no questions asked.


It doesn't matter if it's 59 minutes or 59 days after the purchase...


Our team at Ploise will make sure that you only pay if you are 100% in love with the product. In any other case, it's on us.


Fair enough?


Oh, and no worries...


Our team is easy to access, so there will be no hassle.


Just send us an email at


Our dedicated customer service team will get back to you WITHIN MINUTES. We're available 24/7.


Now that's what I call a RISK-FREE offer.


We made sure that from the moment you click on that button below...


You, your time, and your money are protected and safe!


There's literally ZERO risk involved today.

Here's What to Do Next

Click that big green button that says "GET 50% OFF PLOISE PULLING OIL NOW" - it will take you straight to our official encrypted website.


There, all you need to do is choose the package you want and click the button that says "Add to Cart".


From there, you can continue to the checkout page where you just enter your name, address, and credit card information.


Remember, There Is ZERO Risk

The only risk you could possibly face...


Is one of pain and regret if you miss out on the opportunity to get your Coconut Mint Pulling Oil at this massive discount.


Unfortunately, I know exactly what's going to happen if you decide to let this opportunity pass. I've seen it so many times with other patients.


And let me tell you. it's NOT good.


You'll keep wasting more time and money looking for various options. 


This might take weeks or even months...


In the meantime, the health of your gums might get worse and worse until the point where they are too damaged and weak to even hold implants.


Or maybe you believe the problem will go away by itself. 


Sadly, I've never seen such a case. Quite the opposite actually.


The more you let your gum disease untreated, the faster it dissolves the bones and tissues, rotting your teeth and embarrassing you everywhere you go. 


I'm not saying this to SCARE you, I just want to WARN you.


Because if left untreated, it can turn into a much bigger problem.


That's why the decision you make today will be one of the most important decisions of your life. So... What is it going to be?


Are you going to say "NO" to this opportunity and take your chances?


OR are you going to do the right thing... Order three, or six Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oils... And spend the next 90 days working on recovery?

Remember... This is not just about you.


This is about your family - who will be worried about you constantly if you lose all your teeth because you don't want to try to get better.


This is about your grandkids who will never get to enjoy a meal with you because your mouth will be holding you back.


This is about your partner who will have to get used to living alone while you are still there - because you will be a shell of yourself.


You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to give it a shot.

You can turn things around

You can get the relief you've been looking for.

You can get your old life back and enjoy the rest of your life.

Many of my patients have already done it. You can do it too.


All you need is a little assistance from the finest gum and teeth healing formula that I know exists - our Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil.


So without further ado...


If you are ready to do the right thing...


Click that big green button below to order your Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil.


And remember - If it doesn't work as promised, you don't pay


UPDATE:  As of June 18, 2024 - The demand for Ploise Coconut Mint Pulling Oil has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order your own for 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it's too late.


Lock in your order while you can to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING 


NOTE:  This deal is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.


MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


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